
Installation with steel pipes, films, text and color photographs. 
ROM, Oslo, Norway

Ellipse at ROM is an immersive spatial film experience that addresses consumer culture and explores artistic strategies in the semi-public urban space. It consists of six different films, shown both as film on screen and as film on canvas in sculptural installations.

These short films, ranging from five to twenty minutes, unfold as diverse narratives, spanning multiple genres. Some adopt a documentary approach, while others lean toward performative expression.

Together, these cinematic glimpses trace an elliptical trajectory through the urban spaces linking Stovner Center to its surroundings.

A floor-based textwork by Cecilia Cissi Hultman, inspired by Aleksander's work descriptions

Performers and co-creators: Alma Bø, Sigrid Marie Kittelsaa Vesaas, Sarah Francesca Brænne

Voice-over text for the film Vandring: writer Eivind Hofstad Evjemo

Editing: Idun Kvasbø

Cinematography: Jørgen Bull

Behin the scenes work: Cecilia Cissi Hultman, Karine Næss, Noah Bakken, Mari Lotherington, Nicklas Gahnström, Ahmed Badry, Enrique Roura, Solveig Tjetland, Steinar Brovold Hauge, Gjertrud Steinsvåg

A big thank you to:
Stovner senter and Stovner eldresenter
Irfan Akram
Cecilia Cissi Hultman

Concept: Aleksander J. Andreassen

The project is kindly supported by: Arts Council Norway,  KORO - Public Art Norway. Fond for lyd og bilde, Fritt Ord, Billedkunstnernes vederlagsfond, Norsk Fotografisk Fond