
2018 – 2020
Performances, interventions and films.
Mo i Rana, Norway.

This umbrella project examines the Norwegian shopping center as a cultural, social, and political phenomena. Norway today has the most square meters of shopping center per inhabitant in Europe. Namely 926 square meters per 1000 inhabitant, equaling almost 1 square meter of shopping center per person.
Centarium is performed and filmed mainly during normal opening hours, with the centers’, at times, identical spaces as the stage and scenography. Performers, employees and visitors are given tasks and scripts to trigger new content and intentions for these spaces which, in turn, creates the raw material for the resulting film work.

Film still. Centarium. 4K Video. (2020)  First edition of the project has been produced primarily in the centers COOP OBS and AMFI in Mo I Rana, a town where shopping centers has had a defining impact on the public spaces.

Stills from the film. Staged and filmed in chosen shopping centers during mostly normal opening hours, a chain of events is started by a mannequin coming to life.

Excerpts. Cinematography by Jørgen Bull.

Performance by Chollada Phinitduang and Rune S. Løding at COOP OBS Mo i Rana in May 2019 .

On site screenings of the film in Mo i Rana, Norway.

Screening in Koch shopping mall during Bodø Biennale 2020.

Winner of the Best Artists’ Film Award at Aesthetica short film festival 2021 in York, UK. 

Interview in Norwegian about the project. 

The Montages podcast discusses Centarium during the Norwegian short film festival. Starting at about 26 minutes into the pod.

Photographs by Svein I. Pedersen, Karolin Tampere and Aleksander J. Andreassen. 

Cinematography by Jørgen Bull.
Editing by Toril Strøm.
Main performers: Chollada Phinitduang, Rune S. Løding and Samantha Lawson.
Produced by Aleksander J. Andreassen.
Curated by Karolin Tampere
Commissioned by the North Norwegian Art Centre (NNKS)

Concept and direction by Aleksander J. Andreassen

The project is kindly supported by
Arts Council Norway,
Norske billedkunstneres vederlagsfond,
Norsk Fotografisk Fond,
Fritt Ord,
Regionale Prosjektmidler,
Nordnorsk filmsenter v. Ingrid Dokka
Nordnorsk kunstnersenter
